Chicago Summer Camps are for every child, regardless of their socioeconomic status
Parents should know that since 2010, hundreds of kids have been able to attend our Chicago Summer Camps, as we have given away over $100,000 in both substantially discounted summer camps for students with a qualified need. Every child deserves access to a great teacher, beautiful and creative learning environment, and the #1 ranked STEM program for kids in Chicago.
For years in Chicago, the educational desert has been obvious, with students on the westside and south side having less access to high quality and effective programs that accelerate development and enhance critical thinking skills for kids. From the moment we have opened our doors, we have been diligent in providing scholarships and discounted programs to schools and parents that need them. We can’t do that without the support of our everyday customers who value the impact that we have on our communities. Thank you!
Kids Science Labs offers STEM lab program to boost CPS Student Performance for $4/student
While we have partnered with Chicago Public Schools since 2020
Giving Something Back ia a part of OUr CUlture at Kids Science Labs
We recognize that our impact in the community can only go so far within the walls of our learning centers. In order to establish stronger relationships within the various areas that we serve, Kids Science Labs is proud to coordinate with several organizations that work tirelessly to better the lives of families and children. Between the staff in all of our learning centers, KSL volunteers over 1,000 hours of our time at places such as the Greater Chicago Food Depository, Howard Area Community Center, Mary's Place, BUILD, and more.
How to Contact Kids Science Labs about Team Collaboration to Build Better Community in Chicago, Including Free STEM Lab programs for students in need
If you are a 501(c)(3) organization with an organizational mission focused on families or science and would like to partner with Kids Science Labs to further your goals of positively impacting the lives of children, please contact us.