How could child astronauts survive on Mars with no Grocery Stores?

Summer Camps in Chicago that Explore Adventures in Space to Advance Careers in STEM

Kids love the summer, but its chaos sometimes for parents. There are umpteen Summer Camps in Chicago, and nearly as many in every geographic area in the U.S. For Kids that are interested in Engineering, Science, Medicine, and Arts, Summer Camp in Chicago changed when Kids Science Labs entered the scene in 2010.

Some kids are super curious about living on Mars, and Summer Camps are great ways to build understanding

Earth is the perfect place for us and even Mars pales in comparison. To live on another planet, we need to create (or find) the proper conditions - temperature, nutrition, water, oxygen to breathe and protection from the harshness of the sun’s energy (or lack thereof). On this day, our students explored the real concept of Terraforming as we explored how to manipulate soil, change an atmosphere, and survive off-Earth. Space, while so far away, is always present in our kids’ imagination because its a frequent topic of adventure books, cartoons, and movies. Make so mistake though, Earth is special, with its mild climate, access to liquid water, and abundant protections from the Earth’s brutal radiation.

Using KSL’s unique STEAM Innovation, our students investigated:

  • Design ways to adjust temperature using science fundamentals and discuss potential impacts on planetary exploration

  • Types of soil, how to enrich it with nutrients and testing soil’s ability to enable various plant growth

  • Explored which types of fruits, vegetables, and flowers may be helpful in changing a planets atmosphere and helping to sustain human life

  • Performed LSF (Look, Smell, Feel) tests to expand basic science investigative methods to compare and contrast various flowers and vegetables and discuss how well they may be adaptable to climates with higher CO2, like Mars

Later this week, your child will design their own Terraforming Mars KIT, complete with nutrition rich soil, seeds to practice growing flowers, vegetables and fruit at home, and custom ingredients that would make their adventure in space even better! Watch this video with your child to expand their depth of what it would take to actually terraform Mars