Why does our Brain have fluid in it? Brains + Impact Protection

Our brains are the control centers for our body. Beyond doing just about everything for us, we need to do everything to keep it safe from harm. The body has a cranium, viscous fluid (cerebrospinal fluid) and tons of sensors that alert us of any potential harm to our brain (you ever get a headache when you were dehydrated….), so on this day, we explored the modern medicine that helps students understand why protecting our brain is so important. There are tons of impacts that may occur, and just like protecting an egg during the trip home from the grocery store, we have to protect the brain from harmful chemicals, direct and indirect impacts of all types, bacteria, and really just about anything unexpected.

This class includes both engineering design and biology, as we see that a brain is soft, so its needs both fluids and hard shells like a cranium to protect it from slow, medium, and fast impacts of all types. Without cerebrospinal fluid, just like without a skull, we would live quite risky lives. In class, students experimented with keeping objects safe from various types of impact, and tested how various materials and liquids may help keep our important brains protected in a fall.