
Modern Medicine explores mucus, germs, and our physiology today!

As the weather changes, our bodies continue to work overtime to protect us from the bacteria and germs that we encounter. At Kids Science Labs, our scientists explored the relationships between the cohesive and adhesive liquids throughout our body (saliva, mucus, earwax) that help us to trap and fight off germs and bacteria. On this day of camp, we explore how our skin protects us, but whenever there is an open wound or entry point for bacteria, that internally, our body uses mucus as a means to trap and remove bacteria from harming us. Modern Medicine also explores how taking medicines can aid this ongoing fight against th

All along our ear, nose, mouth, and throat, we have outstanding mucus that is essential to keeping our bodies working properly. Not only does mucus protect our nose and mouth, for example, from drying out, but it also is a primary exit vehicle for removing harmful bacteria that has been battling our white blood cells. There are three primary discovery experiments that most of our students explored. (1) Why is our mucus green (2) How does our body protect us form germs (3) Why is our mucus so sticky when we get sick? Each of these activities involves exploring the understanding of germs, microbes, and how our bodies keep them out and eventually trap them, before expelling them from our nose.

During an infection, our white blood cells contain neutrophis, which contain green colored tiny little enzymes, that when they get together in large quantities, can turn our mucus greenish color. So there is a reason our mucus may be green and its not because “we are so sick” but because our infection fighting white blood cells are attacking bacteria properly. IN this class, we explored the modern medicine of why its so important for mucus to be extra thick when we are sick, and how germs would simply stay in our body, if they couldn’t be trapped by wet, viscous, sticky slimy mucus. We then made such mucus and tested in on fake bacteria (glitter) to test whether it was sufficiently viscous to remove it from our system as shown above!

Summer Camps in Chicago that accelerate careers in Medicine for Young Scientists

Modern Medicine powers Summer Camps in Chicago for Kids

Summer Camps should be fun, but they also should empower kids to build a better future tomorrow, so students attending Kids Science Labs are studying hematology in Med School for Kids in our Chicago Summer Camps.

Young Scientist in Winter Camp safely practicing extracting “blood” {red filter water} through skin {saran wrap}

How do we accelerate careers in STEM for Kids, using Summer Camps?

At Kids Science Labs, we try to help our scholars see that modern medicine is accessible by them, while deliver real science with real situations that build a better understanding of how the things work in their world. Today, we explored blood types, blood physiology and its critical components, and even tested for features of blood, just like students may see when the visit their pediatrician. It all starts with a basic understanding that our bodies have this wonderful liquid called blood, that is pumping through our bodies with oxygen, nutrients, and carrying hormones that help us communicate with our various parts of our body.

How to Boost Kids’ Interest in Modern Medicine, starting in elementary school?

There is no need to wait until post-secondary education for Your child to explore the various components of blood (plasma, platelets, white and red blood cells, various nutrients and minerals). Our Summer Camps in Chicago are design to build knowledge and skills now, when they are most curious and imaginative and before the system reduces their imagination. In our Summer Camps in Seattle they may have practiced extracting and testing blood samples using 24-well plates and simple science tools as shown, such as pipettes. Learning that not all blood is the same, but that all blood contains similar features and constituents is a critical learning vehicle for knowing how the body works. Kids know they have blood, but don’t realize that it serves such critical roles in our bodies.

As a part of the wonderful experience at Kids Science Labs, many of our scholars explored how the blood flows around the body or “circulates” and performed tests to better understand how blood delivers critical information through the process of diffusion from our brains to our feet and everywhere in between.

Why do marathon runners need to drink more water than sprinters in the 100m dash?

We need water, and other key nutrients to keep running at peak performance, including special uniforms full of the world’s best science. Anytime you exert forces on the body, the transfer of biomechanics energy results in the loss of hydration (sweat), and electrolytes that need to be replenished in the right amounts and at the right time to have your optimal performance. Imagine washing the a pot with a dehydrated sponge…well our bodies are the same way and need to maintain balance, which is why Olympic athletes eat well, sleep well, and get their bodies well hydrated before, during and after competition.

Our students performed critical hands-on science experiments to evaluate:

  • Which materials absorb moisture the best, so they can select which gear to wear in a race

  • How nutrients are lost and relished by specialized juices and drinks to help athletes reach performance

  • How various flavor enhancers can help and hurt our peak performance if they upset our bodies needs at any time

  • How to design and innovate their own electrolyte and nutrient-rich power punch, along with a convenient camelback pouch to take with them to their competition

Watch the short video below with your child to further their understanding of why we sweat when we compete in sports, and it should help them know why parents are always asking them to drink more water!

Seattle Summer Camps Are Training Kids for Ground Breaking Careers in Medicine and Engineering

Seattle Summer Camps offer STEM Programs that Kids Need to Boost Their Confidence with science facts in medicine

A career in medicine is not for everyone, however, everyone needs to understand medicine as it affects our everyday lives and for kids, this starts with basic questions around sports performance when they observe their first injury, or realize they are sweating. One Seattle Summer Camp experience that is unique is Kids Science Labs in Greenlake, where they teach kids 3+ about Medicine, when they are at their most creative brilliance.

One of the Athletes push their bodies, move a lot, and impacts, fractures, and over extensions of joints may occur. Injuries are a part of life and even more expected for athletes who spend so much time moving, practicing, and playing games. We want kids to enable kids to explore How Stuff Works with regard to games, and since most games involve some form of lever (arm, leg, stick, racquet) and some form of projectile (ball, dart), we are using hands-on science to better understand sports medicine and both minor and major injuries.

Collaboration and Teamwork are essential at some Seattle Summer Camps for Kids and Parents Love It!

At KSL, we focus on collaboration and teamwork everyday, as the worlds problem won’t be solved by individuals but instead by communities of professionals who ask interesting questions. To build community today around the impact of sports injuries and how medicine works to prevent and repair the challenges of competing, we:

  • listened to kids share their personal “sports injury” stories, so we could also see that all of us get scrapes and bruises, and a smaller group of is may get more serious injuries that require a split, cast, or at least receiving urgent care from our parents or a medical professional.

  • Evaluated x-rays of healthy bones and some images of minor fractures, or breaks, as we discussed how doctors treat our injuries

  • Explored why ice packs help, and designed some innovative tools to aid our knowledge of how to prevent more serious injuries

Seattle Summer Camps offer the best STEM Programs for Kids

Parents in Seattle, especially those that are interested in preparing their kids early to use problem solving and critical thinking, are enrolling in seattle summer camps that have set themselves apart in boosting kids confidence and accelerated career interest in kids ages 3-12. During the summer parents register for one of their memberships:

  • MaxLearning 4-Pack - Enables parents to register for up to 4 weeks of STEM programs for Kids

  • Science Pro 2-Pack - Offers kids two exciting themes out of the 12 week optimized seattle summer camp experience at Kids Science Labs

  • EasySTEM Single Pack - Let’s parents explore one week of the #1 ranked STEM Program for Kids in the summer camp in Seattle.

To build additional confidence with How Sports Medicine Works, we encourage you to watch this How It’s Made video all about the science of bandaids.

Seattle Summer Camps also offer Kid’s Birthday Party experiences that can help make science engaging, fun, and interesting outside of school

Kids Science Labs has offered summer camps in seattle, and one of the best birthday party venues in seattle for kids’ birthday parties since 2015. They even offer a Slime Kit, which is customized by your child every Wednesday at Kids Science Labs, to enable at home science and create new neuroscience pathways that increase the fun and build real confidence with hands-on science. ….

As members, please also take advantage of our KSL Rewards Program that offers benefits to our entire community. Call us at (773-798-2012 or email and mention “KSL Blog”

  • 10% off any new program registration (parties, camps, group events, field trips) after this camp

  • Free access to KSL Academy Programs for gifted and enthusiastic young scientists

  • Social media raffle for members to win birthday party giveaways at Kids Science Labs

  • Exclusive members-only Youtube content that powers kids to outperform in STEM long-term and on NGSS tests in 3rd, 5th, and 7th grade!