We need water, and other key nutrients to keep running at peak performance, including special uniforms full of the world’s best science. Anytime you exert forces on the body, the transfer of biomechanics energy results in the loss of hydration (sweat), and electrolytes that need to be replenished in the right amounts and at the right time to have your optimal performance. Imagine washing the a pot with a dehydrated sponge…well our bodies are the same way and need to maintain balance, which is why Olympic athletes eat well, sleep well, and get their bodies well hydrated before, during and after competition.
Our students performed critical hands-on science experiments to evaluate:
Which materials absorb moisture the best, so they can select which gear to wear in a race
How nutrients are lost and relished by specialized juices and drinks to help athletes reach performance
How various flavor enhancers can help and hurt our peak performance if they upset our bodies needs at any time
How to design and innovate their own electrolyte and nutrient-rich power punch, along with a convenient camelback pouch to take with them to their competition
Watch the short video below with your child to further their understanding of why we sweat when we compete in sports, and it should help them know why parents are always asking them to drink more water!