Joy of creating

The Joy of Science

It has been such a great summer at KSL. Our first year with seven (yes seven) centers and over 425 kids a week! The summer is so rewarding to all of us, and it is so busy, we don’t often take a moment to say thank you. It is a joy to be able to work with your kids each and everyday - Thank You!

We see creations like jet packs, self designed computers (that really function), future home designs, flying airplanes, and spy alert devices to keep little brothers out. These not only amaze us, they keep us creative, and we are honored to see the talent our students have.

We are a bit sad to see summer coming to an end, but excited to begin our weekly classes in September for toddlers to 6th graders. Early access to science and problem solving matters, and helps kids retain their natural creativity. And the World needs more creators, problem solvers, and innovators.

Thank you for being part of KSL.
