Our Vision to enable Kids’ Curiosity
Kids Science Labs was founded to solve one problem, how do we unleash the natural problem solver that is present in every child. We are driven to enable millions of kids to build us a better future tomorrow, by unlocking their curiosity today.
The founders, two dads, who also were engineers, knew that most kids loved science, but unfortunately are not doing real experiments until high school, if . This is unacceptable.
Parents who want to see long-term outperformance, can join KSL for free —>
KSL was built to truly transform the way our kids learn design thinking, creativity, and problem solving skills, which are the traits that are demanded of us in nearly every profession. We know that we could do better, so we built the most engaging hands-on science program in the country for you and your child.
At home, they are building, breaking, mixing, and asking tons of questions. While school teachers are doing everything they can to teach and reinforce the basics. There simply is no instructional time in the day for real hands-on science. Our kids have active imaginations, they want to really figure things out, and we believe that we can do better to support their need to discover and experiment to learn, regardless of their future careers.
Kids Science Labs is the place that you take a curious child, to be able to learn problem solving and creativity through hands-on science experiences that keep them engaged. We inspire kids to think about what’s next, rather than learn something that may only useful for a test.
Our Company provides parents with afterschool science classes at your school, science parties that boost science engagement, STEM Kits, school break camps that refine how they think about the things that they see everyday, and a unique framework for asking simple questions that will power their future. , because Wondering Why Can Change The World.
Building the best hands-on science program for kids was not easy, but it’s the most important thing we have done
Every child from infancy, engages her world as a scientist - discovering, creating building, destroying, rebuilding, analyzing, and asking questions with a sincere interest in understanding. Often, our kids brains are thinking about questions while parents and teachers are trying to teach them.
Prior to starting KSL, we studied the challenges involved in transforming science education, and learned five basic facts:
Parents are busy, but we all want our kids to outperform, find their passions, and have better opportunities to succeed than we had as kids
Great teachers matter, but often can’t fit real science experiments into the instructional requirements of our education system
Young kids are natural problem solvers, who are constantly seeking to learn through the exploration of their world.
School is not fun in part because its designed to impart fixed knowledge and measure our kids success with those concepts, not kids’ basic curiosities
Creativity, Problem-Solving, and asking Questions are critical to success and most impactful on neuroplasticity during early childhood development
Unfortunately, our schools often don't have the flexibility, budget, or available instruction time with teachers. Why is it that kids can find local art, cooking, music and sports classes, but a fun science program is relegated to being a summer-only adventure. The research says that we are missing an opportunity to develop our kids' interest in creative probelm solving, design, and innovation, so Kids Science Labs is here to fix it and support your child.
Ask yourself, as parents and professionals, what type of people do you want your kids to be as adults, and like the CEO’s in the study, the answer is likely confident, creative, problem solving adults who are able to deal with rapidly changing environments. That’s why hands-on science matters when young, because that’s exactly what research shows we obtain from doing hands-on science experiments that build connections in the brain and enhance learning.
Creativity is essential element of problem solving success as a Professional
Every company in the world is seeking leaders who have the same two assets, creativity and critical thinking. Engineers are so sought after, professionally, because they have a unique set of skills in problem solving. At Kids Science Labs, we are using hands-on science experiences in our science classes, camps, field trips, and even our science birthday parties for kids, to boost their creativity and critical thinking skills.
To enable the next generation of creative thinkers, we must provide the opportunity to explore the questions that kids are thinking about every day. Hands-on science experiments are important to open doors to creativity and critical thinking development in kids.
Science enrichment activities at KSL help kids unlock curiosity and gain perspective on how things work
Why do doors squeak sometimes when they close?
How can you make shoes that never get dirty?
Can you make a pillow made of rocks that is comfortable and remains cool?
When we think of science, from a child’s perspective, their questions are most often so fundamental, that as parents we may struggle to respond to them. As kids move through their day, making observations, they are naturally curious and are practicing as young scientists by engaging their imagination and be willing to take the risk of pouring orange juice on the couch, just to see what would happen. Kids are mostly just curious and science is a refinement of everyday thinking.
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering,and Math) is more than just a future Career, IT is a way of EngagE the curious questions that kids Ask every day
For a child to be motivated, the learning environment provides an important part of the formula for real discovery and developing a comfort to be able to take risks when exploring the science. At Kids Science labs, we welcome you on the journey to unlock the curiosity in your child and change their perspectives forever about science.
At KSL, we are committed to building millions of creative problem solvers, when they are still young, motivated, and full of curiosity. We are inspiring kids today, to build a better future tomorrow, through hands-on science, problem solving, and creative design.
It is ironic that a five-year old is a young innovator, full of excitement, creativity, and curiosity about the world around them, yet by the time this child reaches junior high school, they may have closed the door to science forever. As parents, we may not realize that the same science class that we didn’t enjoy in high school, may have been a different experience, if we had been exposed to regular hands-on science experiences early and often as kids, or involved experiments with things that we actually wanted to do because we were curious.
Science opens doors to creativity and critical thinking, and while these skills are not actually taught in any classroom until college, they are necessary in our kids future lives to achieve professional success. We can do better. We must inspire children today, to build a better future tomorrow, and frankly there is no better vehicle to achieve that goal than science.
My daughter Zara changed everything. When she was a toddler, she was curious about everything, and it inspired me, along with my friend, co-founder, and fellow problem solver, Keith, to build Kids Science Labs, so every child can have access to a beautiful learning environment, great science teachers, and a program that encourages kids to use their imagination to ask "Why Not?". Zara, who is now in college, along with tens of thousands of kids, who started their journey of discovery at KSL, have experienced the joy of doing real experiments that matter, like smashing pumpkins, hanging butter from the ceiling, and measuring how long it takes for viscous slime to drip on the floor. Kids Science labs engages these experiments, because kids can't do them at home, but they are necessary to really learn what happens when you do what you aren't supposed to do.
I am glad you (and your child) have found us. We hope to inspire your child, and provide a creative space so they keep asking questions. We want them to know that their curiosity is what will power our future. Eventually, there will be thousands of Kids Science Labs around the world, and until then, we will partner with every parent, school, and community inspire kis today to build a better future tomorrow. We will keep working to unlock the curiosity in your child, and we are happy to be a part of your hands-on science journey. "
- Shegan Campbell, Co-Founder and CEO, Kids Science Labs
Lauren is seven years old and despite having a deep curiosity about the physical world around her, she is often bored in school, like many of her friends. She typically spends less than 16 minutes a week doing science experiments in elementary school, and when she comes home, often doesn’t say much about the day beyond what happened at lunch or on the playground.
Even though kids like Lauren love asking how stuff works, by the time she reaches junior high, she may already have developed a science that science is too hard, boring, or not for her, and thus may not have been given the opportunity to develop confident core skills in problem solving, creativity, and design thinking that are critical for her future. This story is too typical.
At Kids Science Labs our vision is to teach millions of innovators, to think differently. To solve the worlds next great problems, they need to mantain their imagination and develop their creativity. Our programs are at the forefront of inspiring kids to build a better world.