RV - Find the Best STEAM Center in Chicago with #1 Ranked Camps, Parties, & Classes

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Kids Science Labs in Chicago offers science summer camps, spring break camps, and the #1 rated kids birthday party experience.

Designed to enable kids to reach their full creative potential, Kids Science Labs (KSL) combines inspiring learning environments, engaging teachers, and a program that offers real science and engineering that is accessible, fun, and innovative for our kids.

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Chicago has been our home since 2010, offering families in Lincoln Park, Lakeview, Bucktown, North Center, Roscoe Village, and Wicker Park the best STEAM Summer Camps, Spring Break Camp, Winter Break Camp, Kids Birthday Parties and Science Field Trips.

What do kids and parents both love our STEAM Summer Camps in Chicago?

Kids Science Labs Chicago was recently remodeled with four brand new beautiful world class labs for kids, and already has the #1 ranked science program north of downtown Chicago.

WIth a focus on unlocking kids curiosity, and a reputation for excellent teaching and real experiments (no demos), Kids Science Labs offer the bet Science Summer Camps, Kids Birthday Parties, Field Trips and STEM Programs for Kids that power growth throughout the year.

Who is the team behind Kids Science Labs ?

Kids Science Labs was started by two dads, Shegan and Keith, who, as engineers, wanted to solve a problem.  Kids are curious and love mixing, designing, and discovering. The problem was that by age 9, kids become convinced science is boring, not relevant, or just too hard. In order to unlock the curiosity in our kids, they built the worlds best hands-on science center, a beautiful learning environment with teachers willing to engage kids’ questions with real science every day.

Where can i find info on Kids Birthday Parties?

Our exceptional team of passionate educators, scientists, artists, and innovators are inspiring the next generation of problem solvers through everyday hands-on science. Best of all, we ensure that kids are always having fun while learning.

Where can I find the best science classes Near Me in Chicago?

Why is Kids Science Labs a special place?

We are all curious about something. Hands-on science is simply investigating the questions that intrigue us by physically doing something to learn. Kids ask so many great questions, but they don’t always have a place to investigate them - that is why KSL exists.

UPCOMING STEM Programs for Kids in Chicago

Whether its accelerating your child’s career interest in medicine, engineering, and entrepreneurship, or enhancing their problem solving skills in Kids Science Labs Academy with special classes such as Smashing Xbox LASERS, Shark Dissections, or Our World According to Physics, kids and parents love our STEM Programs for Kids. Join us and experience some great hands-on science, creativity, and innovation.  Call us at 773-798-2012 or email us at events@kidssciencelabs.com

 Kids Science Labs - Chicago

3324 North Western Avenue 

Chicago, IL 60618
